AlphaCron Datensysteme - Blog


Marc Pauls


    NCP Enterprise VPN Client with Allied Telesis AR4050S

    Marc Pauls  14 October 2021 22:52:55
    As the AR4050S determines all IKE-IDs with an "@" in it as FQUN and without an "@" as FQDN in its IPsec
    implementation it was difficult (especially with the Mac client where no expert mode exists) to establish

    a proper connection without much handwork if you want to use usual usernames that are not email addresses.

    Now NCP released a new client plugin in their SEM that has the possibility to define the FQDN or FQUN

    manually (in the client template or delegated to the client itself).

    This makes it finally possible to use the NCP client together with the great firewall products of Allied Telesis
    in a perfect way without the need of any strange OpenVPN clients.

    Both together - the NCP Client and the AR4050S firewall - let you build a solid and reliable VPN login platform
    for your business. The outstanding performance in IPsec routing in comparison to other competitors makes
    this combination an excellent solution for a secure access to your company network.

    Thank you NCP for the excellent job!

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